MA Man Sues State Over Health Care Fine

Get ready for plenty of stories like Michael Merlina’s.  He can’t afford to buy health insurance as mandated by the state and he can’t afford the $2,000 fine levied on him for not buying a plan.  So he’s suing.

Michael Merlina was fed up, frustrated and seemingly out of options when he walked into Middlesex Superior Court last week and plunked down $275 for court fees.

With help from a few clerks, Merlina became his own lawyer and filed a lawsuit against the Massachusetts Health Insurance Connector Authority.

The 29-year-old North Reading glazier is fighting the $2,000 state fine for not having health insurance. In 2009, the first year penalties were in place, Merlina paid a $400 fine for him and his wife.

This time, he balked

It makes no sense to me,” Merlina told The Pulse. “I’m a hard-working, tax-paying guy who can’t afford $800 a month for health insurance, or the $2,000 penalty for not having it, and nobody seems to get this.

Oh, they get it.  They just don’t care.