Obama May Just Be The Worst-Dressed President Evah

OK so this might be a shallow post, but it’s the weekend and I’m feeling catty and I can’t help but notice that whenever Barry is allowed to pick out his own clothes, it’s almost always a fashion fail.

(Scroll for update)

Exhibit A:

First, black jeans have been out since the millennium.  Second, the high waist with the tightly cinched belt screams dork.  Third, tucking the golf shirt into a pair of jeans is also a foul on the play.  Fourth, the offending jeans are floods.  And finally, pairing jeans and sneakers should be illegal.  

I’m starting to think the man has chicken legs and this is why he refuses to wear shorts in public.  If that’s the case, someone needs to get the man a pair of wind pants.

Call me biased, but this is what the Commander in Chief should look like when biking:

And don’t get me started on Michelle.

Update:  Mr. loppyd has scolded me for my sneakers and jeans comment.  He thinks it’s generational.  Since it’s Sunday and I’m feeling charitable, I hereby declare that jeans and sneakers on a man under 50 should be illegal.

7 thoughts on “Obama May Just Be The Worst-Dressed President Evah

  1. And don’t get me started on Michelle

    What would you expect from someone eating lobster every freakin day. Mo’chelle is turning into Moochelle.

  2. That and he’s riding a girls bike.

    Jeans and beat up tennis sneakers or Chucks are one thing dorky running shoes.

    When Obama travels, he’s always abroad.

    Would that he were Maggie Thatcher.

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