ObamaCare Hits A Snag In Senate, Must Go Back To House

House Democrats in vulnerable districts are waking up to the news that they will have to vote for ObamaCare for the third time.

Senate Republicans succeeded early Thursday in forcing a change in a measure altering President Obama’s newly enacted health care overhaul, meaning the bill will have to return to the House for final congressional approval.It was initially unclear how much of a problem this posed for Democrats hoping to rush the bill to Obama and avoid further congressional votes on what has been a politically painful ordeal for the party. Obama signed the main legislation, making sweeping changes in the country’s health care system, into law on Tuesday after more than a year of battling with Republicans and struggling to round up sufficient Democratic support.ma

Jim Manley, spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, said Republicans consulting with the Senate parliamentarian had found “two minor provisions” that violate Congress’ budget rules. The provisions deal with Pell grants for low-income students.

Manley said those two provisions will be removed from the bill, and he expected the Senate to approve the measure and send it to the House. Manley said Senate leaders, after conversations with top House Democrats, expect the House to approve the revised measure.

Just when they thought they could slither out of town for the Easter break these schmucks have to reaffirm their support of the wildly unpopular bill.

Thanks Easter Bunny!