Well Played, Trump. Obama Releases Long Form Birth Certificate

I’ve opined for some time that there were two possible reasons for Obama’s refusal to release his long form birth certificate.  One of my possible theories was that his religion was listed as Muslim which could have lost him the election.  The other theory (shared by many) was that there was absolutely nothing damaging on the long form, but the Obama camp decided early on that instead of releasing it,  they would keep it embargoed to shoot down those who questioned his citizenship and label them racists and kooks.  But then came along The Donald.   Obama and his staff quickly lost control of the narrative and Americans who are already unhappy with his handling of everything from gas prices to Lybia had a daily dose of Trump on the airwaives raising the question of his citizenship over and over again.  With his poll numbers tanking, Obama could not afford this heading into  the 2012 election cycle. 

Of course Obama couldn’t resist scolding us for daring to raise the question while he has hard work to do.  Like playing golf and taking vacations.