Scott Brown Stalkers In Action

Martha Coakley was greeted by plenty of Scott Brown “stalkers” at events in Gloucester and Newburyport today.  I was at both events.  It is difficult to put into words the enthusiasm I witnessed today.  The last time I can remember seeing anything like this was when the Red Sox won the World Series and people everywhere were fired up and wanted to express their excitement. 

Scroll for special thanks to the Beverly Farms Brown Brigade!

Gloucester Chamber of Commerce – 1:30 p.m.

There is only one way to get to Chamber which includes passing through a four-way intersection.  There were Coakley supporters there, but they were outnumbered by the Brown Stalkers.  At the Chamber, Coakley had to walk through a crowd of  the aforementioned stalkers holding Brown signs, waving American flags and chanting “GO SCOTT BROWN.”   She looked a tad rattled.  When the event ended, Coakley left in her tinted window sedan to the same chants and crowds. 

Coakely had to pass these people on her way to the event

Outside the Chamber of Commerce

This guy was a Coakley stooge.  Staring people down trying to look menacing

This is Roxy The Republican

This is Andy from Rockport.  His son is currently serving in Afghanistan.

Coakley leaving – real woman of the people.


Michael’s Harborside Restaurant – Newburyport, 3:30 p.m.

My camera was acting funny here so I only got a few shots.  The restaurant is on the harbor with a bridge looking down on it.  Sea of Brown supporters on the bridge and at the entrance to the restaurant (where there were many empty parking spaces).  The entrance is next to another intersection. Brown folks on all corners, honking, yelling, thumbs up in the hundreds.  No Coakley sign holders to be found.  Again, Coakley drove in, addressed the “crowd” inside and left without getting out to shake hands…in the cold.

These young ladies were so offended by Coakley’s negative campaign they made their own signs and joined their mom (pictured above on the right)

More to come if I can get this camera working again.

update:  special thanks to the young Patriots who were canvasing Beverly Farms today and gave my husband a Scott Brown t-shirt!  I will be wearing it with pride to the rally in Worcester tomorrow.  You guys rock!

26 thoughts on “Scott Brown Stalkers In Action

  1. LoppyD

    Found your blog a few weeks ago and really like it. Read posts by you in the past but can’t be sure where. LGF? (Wow, has that changed). Never could have convinced me that there were Conservatives in MA though.

    I hope that what is happening in MA is true. We have to take back this country from the children that have been running it for the last 17+ years. Otherwise we are done as the shining city on the hill. and then what does the WORLD have to look to?

    Go Scott Brown!

    Redneck in OK

    • Thanks for the support, Andrew. You probably do remember me from the little green swamp before I was banned by the Husky Blogger. I hope you stop by often!

  2. Wherever Obama goes I would love to see thousands of Scott Brown supporters. I have seen enough of the NON-TRANSPARENCY, the backroom deals, and Chicago politics. There is not enough time to list how Obama has hurt this nation. They blame Bush for everything yet they controlled Congress! They are leading this country down to road to becoming a third world non-power in only 12 short months. Do not give them that opportunity. Massachusetts the country looks for you to lead the revolution once again. Cut and paste these messages and put them in every forum. Mail them to friends and families. Call for a million people to surge (a word Obama hates) to show support for Scott Brown. BE A PART OF HISTORY! You can tell your grandchildren that you stood shoulder to shoulder with thousands of PATRIOTS to reverse the policies of Obama, Pelosi, and Reid. Do not let their machine turn you back. Spread the word and dominate this election. Show the country this was not a fluke but a mandate! E-mail, text, and call everyone you know. Complacency benefits those who will take your money and your freedom.

    So through the night rode Paul Revere;
    And so through the night went his cry of alarm
    To every Middlesex village and farm,—
    A cry of defiance, and not of fear,
    A voice in the darkness, a knock at the door,
    And a word that shall echo for evermore!
    For, borne on the night-wind of the Past,
    Through all our history, to the last,
    In the hour of darkness and peril and need,
    The people will waken and listen to hear
    The hurrying hoof-beats of that steed,
    And the midnight message of Paul Revere.

    Call the Patriots in from every corner of the Commonwealth! Get the word out! Start now!

  3. Awesome!! Saw the “Brown brigade” in Plymouth today – a huge bus, loads of people holding signs even Uncle Sam on stilts … it was awesome! The Coakleys were there earlier with a decent crowd but dwarfed by all the folks there for Brown.

  4. I grew up near Cape Ann and lived for a few years in Newburyport, so the photos took me home. But “home” is different now – conservatives no longer have to hide in fear of the Dem majority in MA.

    When I lived on MV it was even WORSE; the Islands are liberal strongholds for the “Touchy Feely Gang.”

    So, while I might be over 1,200 miles away, I am calling relatives in MA and have donated to Scott Brown’s campaign.
    The eyes of the other 49 states are upon you! (56 other states if you are an Obama flunky.)
    We wish you all the best in your efforts to defeat the liberal stranglehold MA has been under for decades.

    We are sending donations, emailing, posting on liberal blogs (tormenting Libs is pretty fun stuff!) and just as importantly, we are praying for you all!!!

    Thank you again and….

  5. Martha Coakley will lose the election. Liberal house of cards is beginning to crumble.

    Americans are waking up from sleep.

    Vote Liberals out of office.

    Read more about how obama is cutting deals with unions

    ObamaCare’s latest bribe: Labor unions won exemption from the proposed 40 percent tax on on expansive private health-insurance plans until 2018

  6. Loppy, love the blog and all this great coverage of the events today. Thanks for sharing, and keep up the good fight.

    Massachusetts is once again showing the world what true independence is all about!

  7. Independents, Democrats, Republicans—We need a system of checks and balances and a balance of power in America. One party rule is not going to work in our great county. We need to vote for Brown on Tuesday. Maybe next time we vote for Coakley. Massachusetts is not heaven but it is pretty close.

    BlueCollar21—Independent Voter

  8. Mass. voters can save the county from the party of no. Remember who allowed to economy to go down the toilet in the first place. I hope their memories are not that short. A vote for Brown is a vote for the big banks and the insurance companies. I know they are smarter than that.

    • RR – Please refresh my memory and tell me who had control of Congress from 2006- 2008? And please explain Barney Frank’s statements that Fannie & Freddie were in great shape? While you’re at it, please tell me who wrote the provision for the AIG bonuses in the bailout? I’ll give you a hint: he’s a friend of Angelo.

    • Good lord- are you the same troll who rehashes the same tired and unoriginal pro-Coakley talking points in the comments section of the Boston Herald every time they write an article about how Croakley steps in it?

      I’ll give you credit for your tenacity. But if Scott Brown was as in the pockets of ‘big insurance’ and financial questions, what was Craokley doing down in DC meeting with the big labor, big pharma and big insurance lobbyists this week when that reporter got shoved down?

      Don’t worry- I’m not expecting an answer….

  9. Hey we were able to get a Republican Governor in NJ last November….With President Obama visiting at least 4 times in the last month of the campaign. You guys in MA can do it. Keep the faith we are all hoping for a Brown win!

  10. Hey, it was great meeting you in Gloucester today. I know what you mean about the enthusiasm…it is really exciting. I was stunned by the positive response at the rotary in this town.

    Love the shot of the goon in the beret. How very Vichy!

    Great blog. Keep up the good work!

    • It was great to meet you as well, Jules! I am going to the rally for Scott in Worcester today. It’s at Mechanics Hall – 321 Main Street. Doors open at 3:00, starts at 3:30. Curt Schilling & Doug Flutie rumored to be special guests! If you think you can make it, email me at and maybe we can try to meet up. If not, have a lovely Sunday and GO SCOTT BROWN!

      • Know what I’d love to see? Let’s keep this momentum going.

        On Wednesday, all those with Brown signs in cars/yards….put up a new sign:

        “Can you hear us NOW?!”

        I’d love to see it plastered all over Facebook. Everyone tweet: “Can u hear us now?”

        Heck, people all over America, put that sign up in your front yard! Let’s keep the heat up!

  11. Great job lopps! Don’t let those left wing thugs intimidate you. As for RR, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd were the two most at fault for the subprime mess. Party of “no” – ha somebody needs to say ‘no’ to socialism and of course the Democrats were really into cooperating with President Bush. /not

  12. I pray this election isn’t close. “Community activists” will be finding ballots by the truckload if there is a run off.

  13. We went down to greet President Obama instead Loppyd! Great crowd for Brown there. My favorite sign was a home-made GOING ROGUE IN MASS with a lipstick kiss.

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